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»Bathroom Scales
»Dinner Cancelling


»Hunger Feeling

»Live Longer
»moderate Exercising
»Muscle Retraining

»Power Walking vs Jogging
»Puls Rate
»Seperation Diet
»Slimming Regimens

»Time Horizon
»Weight reduction
Zehn in Zwei
»Begriff 10in2

I personally allow myself one or two small glasses of red wine on a fasting day, no least because of the anti-aging resveratol it contains. Any way, your alcohol intake on a fasting day should be less (not only because of its faster impact) than before you started 10in2®.

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Wir würden gerne jene Ärzte, die von 10in2® noch nichts
gehört haben nähere Informationen zukommen lassen, bzw. jenen Ärzte, denen das 10in2 Konzept geläufig ist auf unserer Webseite weiterempfehlen.
Wenn Sie also Ihren Arzt in eine der beiden Kategorien einteilen können, dann würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie uns seine Kontaktdaten unter aerzte[a] mit einem Hinweis: "Kennt, bzw. Kennt nicht 10in2"zukommen lassen könnten.

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This is not a new concept. The first anti-aging book came out as long as 400 years ago. Animal experiments have shown that eating one day and fasting one day raises life-expectation dramatically, sometimes by as much as 50 percent. 10in2 is being investigated for this aspect, but as far as human beings are concerned we are just at the beginning. If you don’t want to wait the next eight years for results, just try it out, as I did, as a life-concept.

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Slimming Regimens
Most slimming regimens will make you more obese than you were before starting them. They typically consist of some special rule to make eating more complicated. Their proponents might just as well promote the Orpheum-diet: Put a chair on top of the dinner table! Up there you can eat whatever you want, and you will be slim by Easter and you can eat whatever you want.

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I use a moderate exercise programme on a fasting day. Sex is possible or walking fast. But don’t overdo it! You should still be able to speak.  It’s dangerous to do more. The motto is: to do less but for a longer time. Walk fast for 40 minutes! If you are hungry, this will help you to burn more fat than by jogging for 30 minutes and ruining your ankles in the process. Do forty minutes three times a week – two hours per week on aggregate – and in four to five weeks (i.e. after eight to ten hours of fast walking) even the stupidest muscle will learn how to eat fat.

Throw away your bathroom-scales. Fat people are the most exactly weighed around. A short look will suffice to find out whether you should slim or not. A better method is to measure your belly-girth. But do it properly. 1st. Tighten up you belly and find out how this feels. 2nd. Relax your belly deliberately and apply the feeling test, while inhaling and exhaling normally. 3rd. Continue breathing normally, relax your belly and measure it where it is widest.

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The main principle is: Talk to your family doctor before you change your diet. First reports from the field sound very positive. In future, it will be possible to offer further education in 10in2® for doctors.

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Dinner Cancelling
The better food separation method is to eat one day and fast one day. Why? The idea is not simply to lose weight, but to extend your life-span. A word of warning is here in point! If all Austrians decided to join in, we would be undermining our social insurance program even faster than we are doing anyway. Our anti-aging program would push up life-expectancy for all of us by 20 percent to 30 percent. It’s all there for you to read:  Prof. Huber calls it Dinner Cancelling and the Americans, putting it more simply, “Eat one day and fast one day”!

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Time Horizon:
Flexible slimming is the motto! Some visitors to my seminar tell me that they will practice 10in2 until they have achieved their ideal shape. As far as I am concerned, I shall practice it as long as I live. There is no reason why I should stop.

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You have probably heard about the diet regimen based on separating proteins and carbon hydrates. This is how self-styled therapists explain it:  The body is simply not clever enough to digest proteins and carbon hydrates at the same time. To begin with, this is simply not possible, because food is always a mixture of these two. And if you really try to stick to the separation method, eating becomes so complicated that you automatically take in less food. This is how all these well-known diet regimens function: Create a special rule that makes eating more complicated. They might just as well promote the Orpheum-diet: put a chair on top of the dinner table! Up there you can eat whatever you want, and you will be slim by Easter

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The basic rule with regard to 10in2® is the same as for any other change in life-style: talk to you family doctor. Fasting one day is not going to hurt a healthy person, and you can eat what you want.

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I have had only positive experiences with 10in2 – lost 24 kgs in six month. Erwin Haas who is 10in2 Project Partner lost 26 kgs. Nevertheless it is important to consult a doctor and get a medical check-up before embarking on a change in dieting like this.

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10in2® is basically an anti-aging programme. Losing weight is a pleasurable side-effect. On an eating day, eat until you feel comfortably satiated. You will see that this will happen faster under 10in2 than before you started it. The important thing here is too: Don’t check you weight, but your belly-girth.

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Hunger Feeling
You don’t have to be afraid of felling hungry. If you go to bed hungry on a fasting day, the body will eat its own fat during the night, and you will wake up feeling satiated. And should you feel hungry during the day: do a bit of exercise.

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Power-Walking vs. Jogging
Put on sensible shoes to protect your ankles – and walk fast. This will normally be sufficient to get your pulse up to 100 to 110 per minute, unless, of course, you are stickler and want to buy one of those funny watches to be sure. Then continue walking just fast enough to allow you still to speak. It’s dangerous to do more. The motto is: to do less but for a longer. Walk fast for 40 minutes! If you are hungry, this will help you to burn more fat than by jogging for 30 minutes and ruining your ankles in the process. Do this three times a week for forty minutes – two hours per week on aggregate – and in four to five weeks (i.e. after eight to ten hours of fast walking) even the stupidest muscle will learn how to eat fat.

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Live Longer
The main thing about 10in2 is not shedding weight but ant-aging, i.e. living longer. A word of warning is here in point! If all Austrians decided to join in, we would undermine our social insurance program even faster than we are doing anyway. Our anti-aging program would push up life-expectancy for all of us by 20% to 30%. It’s all there for you to read:  Prof. Huber calls it Dinner Cancelling and the Americans, putting it more simply, “Eat one day and fast one day”!

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Moderate Exercising
There are two options: One, that you know from Mr. Strunz in the media, where you can see it all the time, is running. Running will empty the sugar store after kilometre 6. That’s where the muscle must willy-nilly start operating on fat, and that’s why there are so very few fat marathon-runners. If you are hungry, use a moderate exercise programme. Put on sensible shoes to protect your ankles – and walk fast. This will normally be sufficient to get your pulse up to an estimated 100 to 110 per minute, unless, of course, you are stickler and want to buy one of those funny watches to be sure. Then continue walking just fast enough to allow you still to speak. Of course there are other forms of exercise. The main thing is that you enjoy yourself, no matter whether you opt for sex, mini-golf or fitness exercising.

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On a fasting day don’t eat anything (not even during the night), but drink a lot – water or unsweetened tea are the two best options. However, if you should feel like it, you can also drink clear vegetable broth. I personally, don’t take the no-acohole rule for non-eating days too seriously, but I make a point of drinking less red wine than before I started 10in2®.

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Pulse Rate
The best thing for fasting days is a mild exercise programme. Your pulse rate should be between an estimated 100 and 110 per minute, unless, of course you want to buy one of those funny watches to find out the exact rate. The motto is: to do less, but for a longer time. For instance, walk fast for 40 minutes! If you are hungry, this will help you to burn more fat than by jogging for 30 minutes and ruining your ankles in the process. Do forty minutes three times a week – two hours per week on aggregate – and in four to five weeks (i.e. after eight to ten hours of fast walking) even the stupidest muscle will learn how to eat fat.

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Separate sex and eating. On the day you eat, you are allowed to canoodle, but going all the way is strictly out, no matter how horny you feel. But that will make your life really interesting: the next day you will have time enough for sex, because you won’t be wasting any shopping, cooking and eating. A positive side-effect: Should your life have been so boring up to now that you have felt the need to watch Big Brother– that’s observe how other people live – opting for the Separation Regimen is bound to make both your sex life and your eating more interesting. Two mega problems, sexual apathy and overweight, are eliminated in one go.

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Seperation Diet
The better food separation method is to eat one day and fast one day. Why? The idea is not simply to lose weight, but to extend your life-span. A word of warning is here in point! If all Austrians decided to join in, we would undermine our social insurance program even faster than we are doing anyway. Our anti-aging program would push up life-expectancy for all of us by 20% to 30%. It’s all there for you to read:  Prof. Huber calls it Dinner Cancelling and the Americans, putting it more simply, “Eat one day and fast one day”!

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The best thing is to drink a lot on a fasting day – water or unsweetened tea  are the best two options. However, if you should feel the need, you can also drink clear vegetable broth. I personally, don’t take the no-acohole rule for non-eating days too seriously, but I make a point of drinking less red wine than before I started 10in2®.

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Muscle Retraining
Because we don’t normally exercise that much today, our muscle cells need not take in any fat for years. They simply thrive on sugar, which is easily available and, if need be, can be supplemented from the huge sugar store in the liver. To put it in a nutshell: the muscle cells can do without fat. This is where a brutal learning law, discovered by psychologists, kicks in: “If you don’t use it, you lose it” – we will meet this law again shortly when we talk about sex. Put on sensible shoes to protect your ankles – and walk fast. This will normally be sufficient to get your pulse up to an estimated 100 to 110 per minute, unless, of course, you are stickler and want to buy one of those funny watches to be quite sure. Then continue walking just fast enough to allow you still to speak. It’s dangerous to do more. The motto is: to do less but for longer. Walk fast for 40 minutes! If you are hungry, this will help you to burn more fat than by jogging for 30 minutes and ruining your ankles in the process. Do this three times a week for forty minutes – two hours per week on aggregate – and in four to five weeks (i.e. after eight to ten hours of fast walking) even the stupidest muscle will learn how to eat fat. We can use a test to find out whether it is really up to the job.

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Bathroom scales:
Destroy your bathroom scales and measure your belly girth! Or just take a close look! It’s easy to see if somebody is overweight, at least if that somebody is not you!

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10in2 - the name (or branding) 10in2 is created by Erwin Haas, one of the first users and project partner of 10in2 and means "One eating day (1), one non eating day (2) in 2 days (in2)= 10in2®

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