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10in2 will help you to see the great problems of this millenium – fat management, time disease and sexual apathy in a completely new and different way. Fun and Science are not mutually exclusive! Taking new scientific results and lots of aha-experiences on board, you will experience 10in2 as a weight-losing and quality-of-life enhancing life-change.

1 = Eat one day | 0 = Fast one day - in 2 days = 10in2®

This change-of-life program will not only increase your life-expectancy by between 20% to 40% (as demonstrated in animal tests), but will help you to lose weight, more exactly, unnecessary body fat – and all that in a pleasant way. For fasting days, 10in2 recommends moderate exercises, like sex, or minigolf for celibacy junkies. Everything goes, there are no musts – the main thing is to have fun!
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The special thing about the 10in2 nutrition concept is that as you gain in years, you lose weight – even though you can eat a lot and/or enjoy your food. And there is one added advantage: every second day, you don’t need to worry about buying, preparing and masticating food. This will save you more time than you can imagine. :-)

Get to know 10in2 simply on this platform, visit our Facebook Fan Page, where lots of users are waiting to share their experiences with you, or, alternatively, come and see me in my Seminar Cabaret..
Meantime, the first scientific studies have been carried out by Prof. Kurt Widhalm at Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH) - with encouraging preliminary results. We shall, of course, keep you updated on all current developments.

Let’s crack the pension system together. I started 20 kilos ago.

Yours, Bernhard Ludwig

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